Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for May 13, 2019

  1. Il palazzo
    zorak950  almost 6 years ago

    When I was in sixth or seventh grade, my class was part of a trial in which the district tested a new math text based on inductive reasoning. Reading today’s strip immediately reminded me of that traumatic experience, from which I have never fully recovered.

    In life it is frequently necessary to come to answers through a ruthless process of trial and error, but sometimes it really makes more sense to just be told the best way to do something.

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  2. Inbound to iraq  2
    Scoutmaster77  almost 6 years ago

    When I was a sub teacher, students would tell me they didn’t need high school because they were going to be famous sports figures or rap stars. I would say, “Not with your work ethic.” :-D

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    DCBakerEsq  over 5 years ago

    Thinking is hard.

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  4. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member over 5 years ago

    The teacher appears to still be sitting in that chair next to the basketball court. She’s also unaware of the grudge match with the magnet school.

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  5. Pogo
    We has seen the enemy  over 5 years ago

    Nancy can just google the answer to life the universe and everything

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  6. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  over 5 years ago

    Nothing personal to the cartoonist, who is working hard to make a comic, but I was a public High School teacher for many years, and she constantly reminds me of the worst students I had, the ones who brought the whole class down. That is why I despise her so much.

    No hard feelings, I hope. I miss the high moments of teaching, and changing kids’ lives, and the adults who now come to me and thank me, but am glad to be out because of the “Nancies” who made school a daily struggle for me.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 5 years ago

    Sorry kid, you asked for it.

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  8. Missing large
    Malcolm Hall  over 5 years ago

    Nancy needs to learn how to dunk. Or at least shoot 3s from downtown.

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