Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for January 14, 2022

  1. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 3 years ago

    It’s a good thing Esther doesn’t live in a highrise.

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    wesleylscott1  about 3 years ago

    Esther has a code.

    And if she can ever break dat code, she can play outside again.

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  3. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member about 3 years ago

    That’s very Bushmiller!

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  4. Jem character raya large 570x420
    cubswin2016  about 3 years ago

    Esther should have told Nancy to go jump in the lake.

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  5. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  about 3 years ago

    Why is it that when I look at the smiling face of that snow blob, I can hear it whispering “kiiiiill meeee”?

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  6. Screenshot 2025 01 16 at 3.19.02 pm
    Sportymonk  about 3 years ago

    OH NO! She thinks she has a cold. Hhmm, Running nose, sore throat, tiredness, possible low grade fever or headache? Those are the signs of Omicron! GOOD NEWS: so far in the US, only one person has died from omicron and they had a long list of medical issues anyway. Omicron does not affect the lungs so ventilator is unlikely.

    In South Africa where doctors discovered it, most people are sent home, not hospitalized. (Wonder why the US has so many hospitalized and other places don’t? Maybe because hospitals here make money and it is in their interest to keep making more money.)

    Hey maybe she does have omicron. I am putting plastic wrap around my computer screen to I don’t catch it. I am afraid to touch the keyboard!

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