I must be pretty healthy because I never understand what any of the drugs being advertised are even for. And to top it off, by the time they’ve listed all of the side effects I’ve forgotten what that ridiculous name they gave it is. Someday I might take their advice and write down all the drugs being advertised and ask my doctor about them. Yeah right!/s
Someone had to finally say it out loud. I’m predicting ‘Scan this QR code to download our full disclosure statement. (At least you’ll need to only view it in the one language that means anything to you. So, just 97 pages. (But you’ll be able to zoom in two hundred and fifty percent to make it readable.) You can also use the ‘Read this page aloud’ feature on your browser to lull you to sleep for a mid-morning nap.
Sigh, Mr. Sandy has the right of it. Commercials for medications are intrusive and annoying. Thankfully I can mute them or depending, fast forward through them.
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator 6 months ago
The gentle-acting advertising that six out of five doctors recommend.
NRHAWK Premium Member 6 months ago
I must be pretty healthy because I never understand what any of the drugs being advertised are even for. And to top it off, by the time they’ve listed all of the side effects I’ve forgotten what that ridiculous name they gave it is. Someday I might take their advice and write down all the drugs being advertised and ask my doctor about them. Yeah right!/s
wongo 6 months ago
I use Zilopofil for clogged drains.
goboboyd 6 months ago
Someone had to finally say it out loud. I’m predicting ‘Scan this QR code to download our full disclosure statement. (At least you’ll need to only view it in the one language that means anything to you. So, just 97 pages. (But you’ll be able to zoom in two hundred and fifty percent to make it readable.) You can also use the ‘Read this page aloud’ feature on your browser to lull you to sleep for a mid-morning nap.
Just-me 6 months ago
Sigh, Mr. Sandy has the right of it. Commercials for medications are intrusive and annoying. Thankfully I can mute them or depending, fast forward through them.
lemonbaskt 6 months ago
why would you not take a drug that inspires you to go to a farmers market ?
Chris Sherlock 6 months ago
Fourth panel: Seems like all medications have maximum strength advertising these days.
Brutus P. Thornapple creator 6 months ago
That’s where the big bucks in the budget go.