Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 09, 2008
Pollster: Hello, sir... I'm here conducting a poll among registered voters. Joe: Oh, goody. Pollster: Are you a Democrat or a Republican. Joe: Neither. I prefer to think for myself. Pollster: Are you a liberal or a conservative? Joe: Same answer. By the way, those terms aren't mutually exclusive. Pollster: Does a candidate's religion matter to you? Joe: Only if they intend to replace the Constitution with it. Pollster: And what do you want from the next president? Joe: To reinstate habeas corpus, the Geneva Convention and actual democracy. Voice from television: ... and here's what real Americans think, according to the latest survey by the fair and balanced polling service... Danae: Oh, I hope you're a real American this time, Daddy. Joe: Sigh.
Virtualjump over 15 years ago
So true
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Whoever tagged this with “scary” is right!
wittyvegan over 13 years ago
Republicans LOVE the constitution. That’s probably why they want to change it all the time.