Once, for three days and two nights, I was pursued and harassed relentless on an island inhabited by nothing but wild horses. The day I left for the mainland (if you didn’t catch the 5 o’clock ferry you were out of luck until morning), one stallion spotted me observing him with field glasses from a distance of about a quarter-mile, and didn’t waste a second charging up the dunes to get into my business. I’ve never had a more harrowing experience backpacking, and had to grow eyes in the back of my head. Other than that, I had a good time.
Once, for three days and two nights, I was pursued and harassed relentless on an island inhabited by nothing but wild horses. The day I left for the mainland (if you didn’t catch the 5 o’clock ferry you were out of luck until morning), one stallion spotted me observing him with field glasses from a distance of about a quarter-mile, and didn’t waste a second charging up the dunes to get into my business. I’ve never had a more harrowing experience backpacking, and had to grow eyes in the back of my head. Other than that, I had a good time.