Off the Mark by Mark Parisi for September 23, 2012
Boy: My ferret snatched my homework and dropped it by the gerbil who pulled it into his cage and shredded it for bedding and that excited the cat which caused her to tip over the cage and the shreds fell into the dog's bowl and he promptly ate them. Teacher: I'll give you an A-.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
Rube Goldberg would be proud.
margueritem over 12 years ago
Wonderful imagination, I’d give him an A-, too.
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
I’m surprised that there shouldn’t be a comma in that long sentence.
orinoco womble over 12 years ago
As my old journalism prof used to say, "When you get to the second comma or the third “and”, stop and start again."
Bill Chapman over 12 years ago
I actually taped a D&D game I and my friends played one night and wrote it out as a fictional story I was assigned to write in English class. Got me an A…..The teacher never knew how I actually wrote the story.
i_am_the_jam over 12 years ago
Not bad…
Devils Knight over 12 years ago
what would have made this better is small panels in the beginning showing that it really happened
DanReynolds over 12 years ago
He got an A- because he forgot to sign his name.
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
I count 48 words with no punctuation between them.
hippogriff over 12 years ago
Orinoco: You have to use more than two commas when describing a list. (Showing a list is a slightly different matter.) Format is a major factor in these rules.
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
I would say that he needs more descriptive words, and he would have gotten a higher grade.