Oh, Brother! by Bob Weber Jr. and Jay Stephens for April 26, 2022

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    C  almost 3 years ago

    It’s not fair (not fair!) that someone else steals some of my fun!


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    Ed The Red Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I had that same kite as a kid. As I recall, I had to add a tail to it to make it more stable.

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    Mr. Pete Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I thought it might be a promo strip for the kite!… I woulda’ bought one!

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    gammaguy  almost 3 years ago

    Some friends tell me that they flew an aluminized kite from a boat in Long Island Sound… with a very long string. Then there were radio messages from the Coast Guard wondering what that thing was that was showing up on their radar. Oops!

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