On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for January 14, 2009

  1. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  about 16 years ago

    That is why I never took a selling job, unless you count fast food. I don’t mind helping people who want to buy, I just hate trying to convince people to do so.

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  2. N1594495787 5323 1
    WoodGracie  about 16 years ago

    Many moons ago in another lifetime, I used to sell AAA autoclub memberships. I thought I could sell it well because I really believed in the product, but I got a bad taste for sales after being told I HAD to do parking lot sales, papering neighborhood cars and going door-to-door, not to mention the hours of cold calling from the phone book. I, like Claire, had to re-assess and the management was not unhappy to see me leave. I did find another sales job selling residential fuel oil and the home service of the furnace. It was a family run business and they were a company that I could believe in. I succeeded as a salesperson there because I didn’t have to lie to make the sale. My self confidence also grew with my success. Claire’s will too.

    I still think AAA autoclub is a good product, I just couldn’t go for the throat to make my quota each week.

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  3. Hildigunnur a  vox
    hildigunnurr Premium Member about 16 years ago

    heh, well, with a friendly salesperson who doesn’t try to push me into buying things, it’s a thousand times likelier that I’ll visit the shop again…

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