they vacationed in Paris, came home, and are now in Switzerland. This follows previous discussion of their financial struggles. Anyone else confused by this?
You people that think the planet was created in 6 days by a space ghost… I pity you. I really do. You’re missing out on sooo much cool, REAL, knowledge.
seyleigh over 12 years ago
Claire cannot appreciate the real poetry and wonder of science :,(
mamarose127 Premium Member over 12 years ago
You know, I’m getting kinda bored with Clair’s travelog. I liked the strip better when she was a struggling college grad.
celeconecca over 12 years ago
This could be my husband and me!
rshive over 12 years ago
How true Claire! But the mountains are still pretty nice.
skeeterhawk over 12 years ago
(Not that anybody cares) I’m an English major, but the science of nature has always inspired me more than folklore, mythology, or poetry.
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
Good catch. Claire was going to run out of wax.
Teh Premium Member over 12 years ago
they vacationed in Paris, came home, and are now in Switzerland. This follows previous discussion of their financial struggles. Anyone else confused by this?
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
I’ll admit, it took God seven days to create the earth and all living things on it, but it took Gaia to complete the finishing touches.
wild0409 over 12 years ago
You people that think the planet was created in 6 days by a space ghost… I pity you. I really do. You’re missing out on sooo much cool, REAL, knowledge.
Cartoonacy over 12 years ago
One certainly can. Check this out.