I had a cat who would go out walking with me, without a leash, in all kinds of weather, over a six-block-square neighborhood. One day was very windy. He stuck it out while we were walking with the wind but when he got to the other side of the block he had to move from lee to lee. The wind was literally blowing his fur backward. Finally, he meowed very loudly “MeeeeoooooWWWW!”, which I interpreted as “This isn’t fun anymore.” He walked to a point where he could take a shortcut through the middle of the block back toward home, he knew I couldn’t follow, so he waited to see that I knew his intention. I told him “Go on.” When I got back around the block he was sitting on a fence waiting for me. I really miss that cat.
I had a cat who would go out walking with me, without a leash, in all kinds of weather, over a six-block-square neighborhood. One day was very windy. He stuck it out while we were walking with the wind but when he got to the other side of the block he had to move from lee to lee. The wind was literally blowing his fur backward. Finally, he meowed very loudly “MeeeeoooooWWWW!”, which I interpreted as “This isn’t fun anymore.” He walked to a point where he could take a shortcut through the middle of the block back toward home, he knew I couldn’t follow, so he waited to see that I knew his intention. I told him “Go on.” When I got back around the block he was sitting on a fence waiting for me. I really miss that cat.