They could be walking backwards. Maybe they are returning the safe. Either empty or filled with the leftovers of last summer’s zucchini that the rabbits wouldn’t touch.
One summer I had a problem with neighborhood kids stealing stuff from my garden. One evening after a heavy rain they made a raid. I followed the muddy footprints back to their house.
And there goes Henry and Nate to take on the entire Green ship crew themselves….Perhaps they’re relying on stealth. I mean, who could possibly see them coming, walking across a barren landscape of snow, from so far away?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 9 hours ago
Good job, Louie. You’re the best. So is Henry.
Good early morning, Crew!
GreasyOldTam about 8 hours ago
They could be walking backwards. Maybe they are returning the safe. Either empty or filled with the leftovers of last summer’s zucchini that the rabbits wouldn’t touch.
C about 8 hours ago
Keeping track
Bilan about 8 hours ago
That’s why most safe robbers use a get-away car.
derdave969 about 3 hours ago
One summer I had a problem with neighborhood kids stealing stuff from my garden. One evening after a heavy rain they made a raid. I followed the muddy footprints back to their house.
BJDucer about 1 hour ago
And there goes Henry and Nate to take on the entire Green ship crew themselves….Perhaps they’re relying on stealth. I mean, who could possibly see them coming, walking across a barren landscape of snow, from so far away?
judirapelje about 1 hour ago
Always good to make someone feel loved and needed!!!
[Unnamed Reader - 372033] 4 minutes ago
Why does Henry have 3 gloves?