Millie does need to learn one thing.Ammo belongs behind the WALL not out in front.She deserves to be rained on for that.Nothing worse than a soggy snowball.
Oddly enough, Ozy (the grey fox in the tophat) is short for Ozymandias, thus the “Look on my works ye mighty and despair” is (in theory) a reference to her friend.
WelshRat Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Awww, poor Millie!
kaykeyser almost 12 years ago
I don’t know what’s worse the sudden abrupt end to winter fun and hard work, the icky feel of slush or the smell of wet fox?
Simon_Jester almost 12 years ago
Well,nobody on EARTH might challenge you, but….
scyphi26 almost 12 years ago
Been there, done that…
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Millie does need to learn one thing.Ammo belongs behind the WALL not out in front.She deserves to be rained on for that.Nothing worse than a soggy snowball.
Darwinskeeper almost 12 years ago
Oddly enough, Ozy (the grey fox in the tophat) is short for Ozymandias, thus the “Look on my works ye mighty and despair” is (in theory) a reference to her friend.
Simon_Jester almost 12 years ago
I’ve always kind of been surprised that Dana never did a strip with someone thinking he’d been named after the character from Watchmen.