I see Jury Foreman written all over him.And they call me………Tim………actually I would prefer Tim my nickname here at the office is “Cartman” after the cute little guy from South Park. Given to me by my Corporal fellow trooper. I am somewhat big boned, like cheese puffs, and pretty much don’t care what folks think about me, and mess with me enough, screw you guys, I’m going home.
Neo Stryder almost 11 years ago
You’re going too technical.
Plods with ...™ almost 11 years ago
What happened to the marshmallows from yesterday?
Darwinskeeper almost 11 years ago
My ex wife (who was 5ft tall) used to call me “Tall Guy”.
Hag5000 almost 11 years ago
He’s been called everything but a red dragon.
Vet Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I see Jury Foreman written all over him.And they call me………Tim………actually I would prefer Tim my nickname here at the office is “Cartman” after the cute little guy from South Park. Given to me by my Corporal fellow trooper. I am somewhat big boned, like cheese puffs, and pretty much don’t care what folks think about me, and mess with me enough, screw you guys, I’m going home.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 11 years ago
As lest he won’t put Ozy off his food when he gets home tonight like Larry did with with Eddie.