Now I’m thinking about getting a window decal of Millie holding up a sign saying “Help! I’ve been Copyright infringed!”
Okay, today I saw something even worse.
A car with a rear-window sticker showing ‘a pair’ attached to a Seattle Seahawks logo.
The caption read, "Kiss My Sea-( Rhymes with ‘Hawk’ )
I liked the ones with not!Calvin kneeling in front of a cross, praying for forgiveness for peeing on everyone. The idea of a fairly wholesome parody of something so relentlessly vulgar really tickled my sense of irony.
Dana Simpson
October 18, 2013
Stellagal almost 10 years ago
Now I’m thinking about getting a window decal of Millie holding up a sign saying “Help! I’ve been Copyright infringed!”
Simon_Jester almost 10 years ago
Okay, today I saw something even worse.
A car with a rear-window sticker showing ‘a pair’ attached to a Seattle Seahawks logo.
The caption read, "Kiss My Sea-( Rhymes with ‘Hawk’ )
Wizard4168 over 2 years ago
I liked the ones with not!Calvin kneeling in front of a cross, praying for forgiveness for peeing on everyone. The idea of a fairly wholesome parody of something so relentlessly vulgar really tickled my sense of irony.