Neither one was taught to share, it seems. I just had a flashback of myself at about CB’s age. We were visiting some friends of my parents with kids, and had been taught to let visitors ride our trikes etc. Apparently the friends’ kids had not. No one was using a push-scooter that was leaned against the garage, so as everyone else was playing a different game I decided to just see if I could ride it on the driveway. The kid it belonged to ran up, grabbed the handlebars and twisted them so I fell on my face on the drive, and then moved the scooter into the garage without another word.
Neither one was taught to share, it seems. I just had a flashback of myself at about CB’s age. We were visiting some friends of my parents with kids, and had been taught to let visitors ride our trikes etc. Apparently the friends’ kids had not. No one was using a push-scooter that was leaned against the garage, so as everyone else was playing a different game I decided to just see if I could ride it on the driveway. The kid it belonged to ran up, grabbed the handlebars and twisted them so I fell on my face on the drive, and then moved the scooter into the garage without another word.