Was it ever clarified if the music Schroeder makes makes is actual or if it is what he thinks he is making…I play fantastic piano in my sleep, make up great arraignments, and orchestrations…When I wake up I struggle to make a decent sound, but with once in a while I can really get it going…I laugh and sit back and think whose hands are these?…I can remember tunes and arraignments from when I was two years old…go figure….
GirlGeek Premium Member over 4 years ago
Don’t throw your instrument
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
Schroeder dislikes musical jokes, huh?
LeeCox over 4 years ago
Anyone who is strong enough to pick up a piano and throw it at someone’s head is NOT someone I would ever want to make angry. Just saying… .
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
A musician AND a critic! Who knew!
orinoco womble over 4 years ago
Hawkeye Pierce was. “Then somebody hit me with a piano, and the floor came up and smothered me.”
iggyman over 4 years ago
That was a sour note!
iggyman over 4 years ago
You got Shroeder keyed off, Charlie Brown!
iggyman over 4 years ago
You struck a wrong chord, Charli Brown!
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
Pianoforte is also a retailer in Chicago and Springfield, MO.
verticallychallenged Premium Member over 4 years ago
Maybe Schroeder should have become the pitcher instead of Charlie Brown.
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Take “note”, CB!
I❤️Peanuts over 4 years ago
Schroeder is just prefiguring Pete Townshend.
Kip W over 4 years ago
Seems a lot more forte than piano there.
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
Schroeder has more the attitude of Wagner.
chain gang charlie over 4 years ago
Was it ever clarified if the music Schroeder makes makes is actual or if it is what he thinks he is making…I play fantastic piano in my sleep, make up great arraignments, and orchestrations…When I wake up I struggle to make a decent sound, but with once in a while I can really get it going…I laugh and sit back and think whose hands are these?…I can remember tunes and arraignments from when I was two years old…go figure….
RenéManuel over 4 years ago
That is the technical name of the instrument.