Judging by the way the moon is shaped (slightly less than a half-moon), and how low it is in the sky, it’s either a waning moon in the northern hemesphere, and it’s really early (just before sunrise), or it’s a waxing moon and they are in the southern hemesphere, and it’s just after sunset. Of course, there’s also the possibility that Schulz wasn’t an astronomer and just drew what looked good.
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
Qiset over 2 years ago
One of my favorite songs by Janis.
therese_callahan2002 over 2 years ago
“Say, it’s only a paper moon.”
therese_callahan2002 over 2 years ago
I wonder how Snoopy howls at a blue moon. Probably with “Bomp a bomp bomp, a rang a dang dang. Ding a dong ding, blue moon.”
iggyman over 2 years ago
And during an eclipse…!
uniquename over 2 years ago
…and it’s waning.
Purple People Eater over 2 years ago
Judging by the way the moon is shaped (slightly less than a half-moon), and how low it is in the sky, it’s either a waning moon in the northern hemesphere, and it’s really early (just before sunrise), or it’s a waxing moon and they are in the southern hemesphere, and it’s just after sunset. Of course, there’s also the possibility that Schulz wasn’t an astronomer and just drew what looked good.
VegaAlopex over 2 years ago
A last quarter rises at midnight. Why are they still up?
Erichalfbee over 2 years ago
Not even that, it’s a waxing crescent.
Jogger2 over 2 years ago
As the wind slips over your waters // Sing to me sweetly Superior // Sing me a Chippewa Story // Under the quarter moon
— Carla Sciaky
CccComics4me Premium Member over 2 years ago
Blood moon (total lunar eclipse) Monday night! Totality visible for eastern North America and all of South America. Bring coffee and enjoy!
I❤️Peanuts over 2 years ago
And Snoopy’s only a puppy.
edeloriea14 over 2 years ago
It looks like a crescent moon to me.