Peanuts by Charles Schulz for June 07, 1959
Schroeder plays his piano. Lucy leans against the piano and frowns as Schroeder conducts in the air.<br> <br> Schroeder plays. "Beethoven! Always Beethoven!" Lucy says, leaning her elbows on the piano.<br> <br> "I'll bet Beethoven wasn't so great! I'll bet he didn't have any friends!" Schroeder ignores her.<br> <br> "What do you mean, he didn't have any friends?" "Just what I meant!" Lucy turns her back on him.<br> <br> "You never read about him playing GOLF with his friends, do you? HUH? Do you?! If he had so many friends, why didn't he play GOLF with them?"<br> <br> "People aren't friends unless they play GOLF together! Did you ever hear of Beethoven playing golf with HIS friends? NO, YOU DIDN'T!" Lucy stands up and leans against the piano.<br> <br> "I can't stand it! I just can't stand it!" Schroeder stalks off. Lucy stands on top of the piano.<br> <br> She leans against the back of the piano.<br> <br> "I wonder if Leonard Bernstein plays golf with HIS friends?" Lucy asks.<br> <br>
did golf even exist when Beethoven was around?