Peanuts by Charles Schulz for June 17, 1962
Charlie Brown wears a jacket and tie and carries a present. He says, "Good grief! He didn't even change clothes!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "I can't believe it!"<BR><BR> Pigpen walks up to Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown says, "You're not going to Violet's birthday party looking like that?!!"<BR><BR> Pigpen says, "So what's wrong?"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "So what's wrong? You're a mess, that's what's wrong!!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown walks along behind Pigpen and says, "They won't even let you in the house Pigpen! They'll bar you at the door!<BR><BR> Pigpen says, "Oh, I don't think so . . ." Charlie Brown says, "Of course they will! You won't be welcome at all! Your appearance will be insulting! It will be . . ."<BR><BR> Violet opens the door to her house and says, "Well! Pipen! Come-in! Come on in! How nice to see you! How nice of you to come!" Charlie Brown looks on.<BR><BR> Pigpen hands Violet her present. Violet says, "Oh, thank you! You shouldn't have!"<BR><BR> Pigpen turns to Charlie Brown and says, "The present was clean!"<BR><BR>
huh, don’t know how he pulled that off but whatever works.