Peanuts by Charles Schulz for April 19, 1964

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    MrJamie1062  about 11 years ago

    How ironic it is, that this actually was published, before some other Sunday strips, when Schroeder would do JUST what Lucy points out, in Panel 5—-in Sunday strips from 1966, for example, when she would have fantasies of them getting married, and how “he would break both his arms while skiing, could never play piano again,and she would have to work at a laundry, to support them,”well, anyway, the point is, there, too, he did not respond to anything she said, all the while she was talking, just like she tells him here, and that was after this strip. Just my opinion, though, but, nevertheless, by then he did revert to ignoring her and remaining silent, while she talked.

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    jaythor70  about 5 years ago

    I love that Lucy is stymied, for all the cruelty she displays to CB and Linus. She can’t even see that Schroeder isn’t oblivious to that. But, really, what does she expect from a 6 yr-old boy?

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    PatrickASL  about 5 years ago

    Yes, all the nice things Lucy’s done for him. Like the time she smashed his bust of Beethoven with a baseball bat.

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    Best Commenter Ever  about 4 years ago

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    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    Lucy is getting a head start on nagging Schroeder about not talking enough, just like she would if they were married.

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    Avatar???  about 2 years ago

    The third panel is a complete lie, I wish Schroeder would call her out on bs and hypocrisy, maybe that would start to crack her

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    yow4zip Premium Member 11 months ago

    He’s very much aware of her.

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    Frankie5466  9 months ago

    The Peanuts Fandom claims that Schroeder does reciprocate Lucy’s feelings but that he believes he must remain a lifelong bachelor, like Beethoven. I’m reading Peanuts from the beginning and since the strip began decades before I was born, it’s the 1st time I’m reading it. Here in 1964 I haven’t seen enough to convince me he returns her fondness but that could definitely change, today’s strip certainly hints that he does! An affectionate boop on the nose in a uniquely Schroeder way

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