Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 05, 1970
Sally stands next to Charlie Brown and asks, "Why do I have to go to school and learn the names of all those rivers?"<BR><BR> Sally continues, "I've never even seen a river! They could at least take me to see a river!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "You have a good point there . ." Sally says, "And mountains! I've never seen a mountain! Or a king! Or even a capital city!"<BR><BR> Sally continues, "And we're supposed to know all those borders! I've never seen a border!" Charlie Brown says, "This may take more than one field trip to the zoo . ."<BR><BR>
The Lone Beagle Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Go to Spain and knock five birds unconscious with one stone.
jbruins84341 over 7 years ago
She lives in Minnesota and has never seen a river? Go outside more.
Stormwyrm over 3 years ago
Well, most borders are largely invisible except on a map. In only a few rare cases do they actually become visible in the real world. You could have sent Sally to West Berlin in 1970 to see one example of a highly visible border, or to Panmunjom in South Korea (still up there even in 2021).
FrostbiteFalls about 1 year ago
See the 8/19/70 strip, where she knows what lies beyond all those bodies of water. Unfortunately, this was the sort of thing that Schulz wasn’t always consistent about.