Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 08, 1971

  1. Coyote 5a
    valheru  almost 13 years ago

    It would be interesting to do a study on trends like that. Is there a median test paper that you could hand in on any subject and get a passing grade?

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  2. Riker lynch image riker lynch 36448164 300 300
    peanuts511  almost 11 years ago

    wait a sec- she’s only 6 years old and she’s doing ALGEBRA!!!!

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    jtyroler  over 8 years ago

    How old are these kids? I was in 6th grade during this time and we weren’t doing algebra.

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    thatdarnfurry  almost 3 years ago


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    phoenixnyc  almost 3 years ago

    Why are they doing algebra in, at most, fourth grade?

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