Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 13, 1972
Sally and Charlie Brown sit at the table. Sally writes, "Ten milligrams equals one centigram."<BR><BR> Sally continues to write, "Ten decigrams equals one gram."<BR><BR> Sally writes, "Ten grams equals one grampa."<BR><BR> Sally looks at the paper. Charlie Brown says, "Keep going . . . I can hardly wait to see what comes next . . ."<BR><BR>
MrJamie1062 over 10 years ago
LOL, at Charlie Brown’s expression in Panel 3:“WAH!”—that slang interjection meaning,“What on earth!” or “What the hey!” And, if I had seen someone using such a ridiculous term, for use in metrics, or whatever, I,too, would tell them, “Can’t wait to see what you’re going to say NEXT!”(silly though it would be, of course.) That was Sally for you.
MrJamie1062 over 10 years ago
So, Sally, what DOES come next? Great-grandpa? Ha, ha.
alien011 over 7 years ago
Centigram and decigram are quite obscure, people normally say 100 milligrams if they want to say 1/10 of a gram.
ootey over 7 years ago
10 grampas equal a deci-grump.
All... over 4 years ago
1000 millipedes = 100 centipedes = 10 decipedes = 1 pediatrician
alien011 almost 4 years ago
Ten grampas equal one group of grumpy old men (who can’t drive anymore).