Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for November 27, 2005
"Okay, crocodile neighbor, and your pals have terrorized the zebras for far too we're going eat YOU for a change." "But nobody eat crockydile." "Yeah, well that's gonna change...we've got numbers." " eat crockydile 'cuz we no taste too gud." "That's a bluff...I bet you taste fine." "Hey, not to interrupt, but I've actually heard that." "Heard what?" "That they taste bad. Seriously. I think I saw it on 'Oprah.'" "Alright. Fine. We'll taste him....Gene, lick the crocodile..." *Liiiiiick* "Duuuuuude...that's FOUL...REPULSIVE...and holy smokes, does this guy REEK...Let's get outta here before I hurl..." "...Me don't know whether cheer or have beeg cry."
m.l. over 12 years ago
NI17EG over 11 years ago
Actually crocodile meat was pretty tasty…or maybe it was alligator. (foreign cuisine)
Ratimir about 10 years ago
Yep, I’ve had some pretty tasty croc.
uksing921 over 9 years ago
I’d go with the ‘beeg cry’
Clearstream over 8 years ago
Beeg cry and also a cheer thrown in.
Goat the goat over 4 years ago
Me ees offeendeed by thees coomeec. Me ees not tastes!