Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for August 12, 2012
Dakota: Heyyyyy, losers. As always, I'm Dakota, and welcome to my vlog. You may notice my hair is looking even awesomer than usual today. It's MAGIC. I can't tell you any more though. It's super top secret. Also, my birthday party's next week, and after that there'll be two types of people. People who were there and SAW my awesome entrance, and people who aren't cool. Oh, plus me. I get my own category. So three types. I'm Dakota, and this has been SoDakota. TEE TEE WYE ELL!
Masterius over 12 years ago
Erm . . . I see Marigold and Dakota share at least one trait: supreme, sublime humility.
Also, I think Dakota’s in for a rude surprise vis-a-vis her ‘awesome entrance’, as she isn’t at all familiar with just how the ¤ Shield of Boringness ¤ actualy works.
TayoEXE over 12 years ago
Oh whoa, you’re in for a surprise yourself when you find out how the SHIELD OF BORINGNESS works.
Tsukuyomi over 12 years ago
Why are there candles out the window?
kaykeyser over 12 years ago
Wounder how many subs Dakota has? I my self mostly sub to geek volgers.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
me, me, MEEE!
Tue Elung-Jensen over 12 years ago
“SoDakota”… how original.
ewalnut over 12 years ago
Maybe the Shield of Boringness will extend to Dakota via her hair.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
I say it’s either Dakota or Phoebe wearing a big wig that looks like Dakota.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
Never date a woman named after a state; Dakota, Montana, Virginia.
StrangerCoug over 12 years ago
It’s not bad… in terms of artwork. In terms of style, I think Dakota needs another haircut, preferably not from Marigold or Millie.
rpmurray over 12 years ago
The shape of her eyes was different in the earlier strips.
Simon_Jester over 12 years ago
Has Dakota always been like this, or did some of Marigold’s ego rub off on her, when she did the hair restoration bit?
runar over 12 years ago
As anyone should know, there are 10 kinds of people.
Dampwaffle over 12 years ago
How does she fit her ego through the door?
4everDezzy over 12 years ago
ha ha can’t wait fo the party!
gimmickgenius over 12 years ago
When I see “shield of Boringness” my eyes do a weird dyslexic-anagram thing and read “Shield of Borgnines” … I imagine her surrounded by a phalanx of elderly but tough Italian character actors.
Masterius over 12 years ago
I’ve noticed that somehow Dakota’s had her Rapunzel locks trimmed to a more reasonable length.
Also, I love the Me [TUB] and the loading buffer/play bar at the bottom!
scoobysdaddy1 over 12 years ago
People like this live alone in they own world …nothin matterds except them …ive meet people like this in real life
natalief almost 12 years ago
sagurufan over 4 years ago
Look! dakota rocks the internet!
Entrapdak 4ever over 3 years ago
what does tee tee wye ell mean???