Pickles by Brian Crane for December 14, 2017

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 7 years ago

    cross your fingers, Earl, that this one neighbor as well as the other neighbors don’t see you doing your dirty deed

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  2. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 7 years ago

    Earl, I guess you haven’t realized that everyone have home security cameras now?

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    Loves life  about 7 years ago

    I can’timagine those two having so much garbage that it fills up their trash bin. We have 4 in our house and ours is about 1/2 full ( about 3 bags) .

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  4. Animal triangle
    ANIMAL  about 7 years ago

    At least TIE the damn things WILL YA..????

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  5. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 7 years ago

    One of the joys of living where I do, is that we have daily garbage pickup in the mornings and again, late at night.

    The neighborhood dogs still manage to get into the trash bags though.

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    dogday Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Twice I’ve had this. Once when we lived in a condo right next to a neighborhood of upscale houses. One night my husband saw a guy throwing his trash over the fence from his house to the condo dumpster. Assuming that our neighbor merely slipped as he was taking out his trash, my husband (who was on the condo board at the time) retrieved the bags and returned them to the neighbor. My husband must have been right because the man was very embarrassed (he also said he was feuding with the garbage pick-up company and hadn’t paid his bill. Geez!) Then, years later we were in our house, a raised ranch. The room we use for an office has a good view of the street, driveway, front yard, etc. I often sit here with the only light coming from the computer as I’m waiting for a bad stomach to settle. When, one garbage night, what to my wondering eyes should appear but a car pulling up to the curb? Out hops, not ol’ St. Nick, but a scrawny old guy who pops his trunk and hauls out his garbage bags to our curb! I yelled out the window to him, scared the old guy half out of his wits. He grabbed his bags and beat it. For good.

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  7. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 7 years ago

    I don’t really get this. If their trash was picked up Wednesday, wouldn’t their can/bin/dumpster be empty on Thursday?

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  8. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 7 years ago

    Friday is when the bin men collect from here.


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  9. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  about 7 years ago

    That is fun for electronic equipment and old fire crackers, but I only do it at 11 PM moonless nights.

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