…….nor does it have a catalytic converter or onboard computer. And, oh by the way, it doesn’t try to take off of its own volition in an attempt to reach 100MPH!
But that plugger SUV has been down the dirt road, up the two-track and into the wilderness to where only pluggers and mountain goats go. Then it comes back out with a load of elk and a half-cord of wood. Do that with your Escalade!
I’ll be it doesn’t even have little video screen showing what’s behind when he backs up or gauges that tell him if his tires are losing air—
what a piece of s….!
Actually, “plugger” (as the strip’s listings indicate) refers to the verb “plugging”, meaning “working steadily”. A “plugger” is someone who keeps “plugging away”.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 15 years ago
@ Joe-Allen:
Perhaps no one writting to this one-panel strip hasn’t had any ideas (yet).
Misha1995 almost 15 years ago
It is too an SUV! A super ugly vehicle!
ImaPlugger2 almost 15 years ago
Has Pluggers “Jumped the Shark?” No good ideas left? Say it isn’t so!
rw1h almost 15 years ago
…….nor does it have a catalytic converter or onboard computer. And, oh by the way, it doesn’t try to take off of its own volition in an attempt to reach 100MPH!
ffkelton almost 15 years ago
Probably has a 3 speed on the column cracked vinyl seats and the gas gauge doesn’t work anymore.
tim almost 15 years ago
But that plugger SUV has been down the dirt road, up the two-track and into the wilderness to where only pluggers and mountain goats go. Then it comes back out with a load of elk and a half-cord of wood. Do that with your Escalade!
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I’ll be it doesn’t even have little video screen showing what’s behind when he backs up or gauges that tell him if his tires are losing air— what a piece of s….!
lewisbower almost 15 years ago
Bet it has a tool box though.
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
Mine’s got heated seats…it only takes 4 or 5 minutes for my butt to warm them up.
EarlWash almost 15 years ago
A Plugger’s SUV doesn’t have a what, or a what or a WHAT? What are those?
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Fishy, you mean you’d take advantage of a Government program with a loophole in it?
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
No, but their KID”S SUVs do.
rotts almost 15 years ago
Thank you, Joe-Allen, for another keen-sense-of-the-obvious comment, but you missed the point - AGAIN!
wanderwolf almost 15 years ago
Actually, “plugger” (as the strip’s listings indicate) refers to the verb “plugging”, meaning “working steadily”. A “plugger” is someone who keeps “plugging away”.
Sillstaw almost 15 years ago
Pluggers don’t buy new SUVs; they pollute enough with their old cars.