I have not been In a bank since 2013 & i run a small business with 25 employees. Everything is on-line, on the phone & through the night deposit….every minute you are In the bank is a minute if your life you are losing…
People still scream when I wear camo to the bank. The mask is required. Why the guard pulls his gun I don’t know. Why yell, “Put the gun down”? Did they really think I was going to leave my shotgun by the door? It may get bumped and fall over.
Don’t know about you, but except for medical facilities everywhere I go the mask requirements are gone and on the news the only ones you here about is in schools.
Times have changed! At my bank, there is a sign at the door: “Hats and sunglasses prohibited” and another: “Must wear a mask”. The bad guys must really like the new rule.
Everyone, including the bank tellers (Thank Goodness!), get a laugh when I walk into someplace with someone else, we are both masked and I say, “I’m Frank, this is my brother, Jesse”.
allen@home over 3 years ago
My fathers bank (credit union). Are still only taking appointments. Everything else is going thru the drive thru.
boydpercy Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’m a drive thru guy also. I do wonder about getting into my safety deposit box!
Zykoic over 3 years ago
Somehow I feel I am fulfilling some family tradition by wearing a mask in the bank……..
juicebruce over 3 years ago
The sign should say : First National Plugger Bank ;-)
Qiset over 3 years ago
It’s more of a flashback.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 3 years ago
You’re a plugger if you still go to the bank.
namleht over 3 years ago
I have not been In a bank since 2013 & i run a small business with 25 employees. Everything is on-line, on the phone & through the night deposit….every minute you are In the bank is a minute if your life you are losing…
ctolson over 3 years ago
Mask no, concealed carry yes.
HunterIsACriminal over 3 years ago
People still scream when I wear camo to the bank. The mask is required. Why the guard pulls his gun I don’t know. Why yell, “Put the gun down”? Did they really think I was going to leave my shotgun by the door? It may get bumped and fall over.
pheets over 3 years ago
With the open doors but chained pens. And plenty of banks won’t let you where a hat.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Don’t know about you, but except for medical facilities everywhere I go the mask requirements are gone and on the news the only ones you here about is in schools.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Get your flu vaccine and if you still haven’t been covid vaccinated, please get that done too.
l3i7l over 3 years ago
Masks are no longer ‘required’ at my credit union, but the plastic barriers are still up at work stations where the employees interact with customers.
Bill D. Kat Premium Member over 3 years ago
Times have changed! At my bank, there is a sign at the door: “Hats and sunglasses prohibited” and another: “Must wear a mask”. The bad guys must really like the new rule.
Wasiechu over 3 years ago
When I lived in Alaska, banks had signs saying “Please remove ski masks before entering.”
MichaelSFC90 over 3 years ago
Everyone, including the bank tellers (Thank Goodness!), get a laugh when I walk into someplace with someone else, we are both masked and I say, “I’m Frank, this is my brother, Jesse”.
mistercatworks over 3 years ago
Especially if you’re carrying a large bag and wearing a hoodie.
tinstar over 3 years ago
Is he going through withdrawal?