Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for November 28, 2004
Dogcatcher 1: We're on the lookout for a small, white dog of indeterminate breed...he was spotted going through the dumpster behind Joe's Pizza. Dogcatcher 2: Hey, there's a suspect who fits the description! Dogcatcher 1: Have you been eating garbage tonight, sir? Poncho: What? Me? N-no! Dogcatcher 1: Check him, Lou! Dogcatcher 2: Traces of tomato sauce on his claws and tail. Poncho: I'm innocent! Dogcatcher 1: Would you be willing to submit to a breathalyzer test, sir? Poncho: Um, well...okay. Dogcatcher 1: Mozzarella. Book 'im, Lou. With modern forensics these perps don't get away with much. Poncho: I'm not sayin' nuthin' till I speak to my lawyer! Dog catchers is filmed live on the streets...