Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for July 08, 2010
Orlando: Porcho is getting chewed out by "Mom" for trying to charge us for mother's milk. Mother: Trying to profit off your siblings is a no-no. '?Don't you see that, Porcho? Poncho: Yes, "Mom". Is this going to harm my chances of favoritism? Mother: No matter what any of you do, I'll love you all equally. Orlando: What'd she say? Poncho: I think Mom's a commie.
There are five pups, not four. The mystery pup was last seen June 29, where it is also explicitly stated that there are five:
Look at panel 2; a “spotty” (as opposed to “blotchy”) eye marking. Also, that pup has no patch on its back.
It’s only been noticeable at all in about 5 panels since P:Y1 began. No name, and no dialogue so far.