Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for November 12, 2010
Poncho: Still, it's pretty hard on a dog's ego when his master goes from a purebred Siberian husky to a purebred....what am I, anyway? Chazz: Um, I don't think you're anything. I think you're a, uh, mutt. Poncho: Oh great. Perfect. Chazz: That's not what's important. I got you to be my companion. that's why I named you after a famous sidekick, "Pancho". Of course, I now realize I spelled your name wrong.... Poncho: So I'm also a typo?
The Duke 1 about 14 years ago
Keep piling on the insults!
COWBOY7 about 14 years ago
Just cool it for now, Chazz!
Hillbillyman about 14 years ago
Chaz keeps adding fuel to the flame.
keeleyg about 14 years ago
Chaz I think it is about time you shut your mouth. You just keep digging it deeper and deeper. And what kind of name is Pancho anyway? The only one who should have his mouth open wide, and he does, his our little puppy friend Poncho!
jollytimes about 14 years ago
Sounds like something I did years ago. When I signed the birth papers for my daughter. I left the h out. When the wife found out she had a name for me that I won’t say here. How was I suppose to know there was more than one way to spell Megan? :)
cleokaya about 14 years ago
Poncho is going to need years of therapy after this whole conversation ends.
cdanczak about 14 years ago
I get the feeling I know where this is going. I think we’ll be seeing the introduction of “planky” soon.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 14 years ago
Poor little Poncho! Love that last panel!
pierreandnicole about 14 years ago
Later in their relationship Chazz tells P that he is half French Bulldog and half something else and P’s response made me wet my pants.
ChukLitl Premium Member about 14 years ago
Being a typo can be amusing. They tried to draft me & ship my buττ to Nam when I was 8.
fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago
My parents misspelled my name on my birth certificate. In fact, they only got two of the letters right, the “r” and the “i”. It wasn’t until I was 15 that I realized I was really “Fritz”.
They weren’t to blame, though. After all, they barely knew me at the time, so how could they be expected to know my true name?
fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago
jollytimes: “How was I suppose to know there was more than one way to spell Megan?”
There’s also more than one way to pronounce it: mee-gan may-gan meg-gan throat-warb-ler-man-grove…
kschobert about 14 years ago
rofl at phonetic spelling of Raymond Luxury-Yacht
Fritzoid wins!
kid1at3heart about 14 years ago
It’s okay Poncho. We humans are mostly mutts too.
alan.gurka about 14 years ago
Poncho’s no mutt, he’s a hybrid!