Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for February 01, 2011
Chazz: I don't mean me and you are going out on Friday, I mean me and the girl I met. Poncho: What for? Chazz: Well, when a human guy and a human girl like each other, they hang out for a while drinking coffee or alcohol, and deciding if they want to kiss. Poncho: Kiss? Chazz: You press your mouths together, and sorta move 'em around. Poncho: You mean like licking? Chazz: No, you don't use your tongue. Well, you can, but on the inside-- Poncho: Oh, gawd, stop! I'm eating, here!
Bargrove, I got it from the book “The Male Brain”, by neurologist Louann Brizendine, M.D.
“In the mating game, a kiss is more than a kiss–it’s a taste test. Saliva contains molecules from all the glands in the body, so a French kiss serves up our signature flavor. As soon as Ryan’s tongue touched Nicole’s, information about each other’s health and genes was collected and secretly sent to their brains. If Nicole had genes that were too similar to his and the kiss tasted sour, it would have been a sexual deal-breaker. But the kiss was sweet; it led to another and then another. Scientists have learned that there is plenty of bioactive testosterone in men’s saliva, enough that it may activate the sexual-arousal center in a woman’s brain. So your mother was right–French kissing can lead to sex.” (Chapter Three–The Mating Brain: Love and Lust)
That’s a bit different than what I represented above, but I was reconstructing from memory.