Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for October 15, 2015
Poo Poo: Whichever of us can't resist the dangled string is the most cat-like! Poncho: This isn't fair! There's a meatball attached to it! Poo Poo: There wasn't anything in the rules about what the string is attached to! Poncho: Must...resist...dangled....string...! Poncho: Not going to...give in! Must....resist meatball! No....matter....how.....long....it.... Poncho: How long has it been?? Dog: Okay, ready....go!
DennisinSeattle over 9 years ago
This is what happens when tests are designed by test-takers for themselves. Really. Poo Poo, is it dog-like to resist a meatball? And why aren’t Boomer, NSA guy, and others converging on it right now?
DennisinSeattle over 9 years ago
Are we not dogs? We are Dog-O.
cdward over 9 years ago
Poo-Poo must not be a dog, because no dog can resist meatballs.
Marblemouth over 9 years ago
I sack of Cinnamon Gummy bears on a string would have me droolin’ and ready to pounce.