my boyfriend has a set rule, wheel it out to where u want it to start, give it a shake to make sure critters have departed, check levers in proper position, prime 5 times, NEVER more or less, wait 10 seconds, pull cord. This is also for the lawn mower. Now this year its an electric light snow thrower, no cord pull. I once started the lawn mower myself after only 3 primes, he said it’ll never work. It started right up, he did his 5 prime pumps the next time, didnt start, so I sarcastically said, try 3, it started.
my boyfriend has a set rule, wheel it out to where u want it to start, give it a shake to make sure critters have departed, check levers in proper position, prime 5 times, NEVER more or less, wait 10 seconds, pull cord. This is also for the lawn mower. Now this year its an electric light snow thrower, no cord pull. I once started the lawn mower myself after only 3 primes, he said it’ll never work. It started right up, he did his 5 prime pumps the next time, didnt start, so I sarcastically said, try 3, it started.