“Trim off extra + double-knot ends on underside of shirt.” Pretty sure that would be hard: cut off the ends of the thread, then tie a knot? It should probably say to tie the knot, then cut off the excess. (There would be no excess on the front of the shirt if you do it remotely correctly.)
Strawberry Hellcat: Gair I gall, ffon I’r anghall over 4 years ago
Try sashiko or boro – artistic repairs!
Carl Fink Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Trim off extra + double-knot ends on underside of shirt.” Pretty sure that would be hard: cut off the ends of the thread, then tie a knot? It should probably say to tie the knot, then cut off the excess. (There would be no excess on the front of the shirt if you do it remotely correctly.)