Gak this brings back memories. When I was 12 my mom gave me a home perm and styled my hair like hers and forced me to wear some suit a woman in her 40’s would wear. I kept my coat on all day since I didn’t want anyone my age to see me in that gakky suit.
hildigunnurr Premium Member over 15 years ago
aaargh, horrible!
dearmanica over 15 years ago
My aunt did the same thing to me at that age! I’m so glad that i do my own hair now! I love my fairly flat mop!!!
alondra over 15 years ago
Gak this brings back memories. When I was 12 my mom gave me a home perm and styled my hair like hers and forced me to wear some suit a woman in her 40’s would wear. I kept my coat on all day since I didn’t want anyone my age to see me in that gakky suit.
Asrial over 15 years ago
Wonder if her parents, especially her mom, told her they loved her just the way she was .
ValancyCarmody Premium Member over 15 years ago
And 40 years from now, mom will wonder why Teena never calls her.
bald over 15 years ago
maybe teena should style her hair like mine LOLLZ