PreTeena by Allison Barrows for August 03, 2011

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    kreole  about 13 years ago


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    muskratdottir  about 13 years ago

    Poor Johnson. He needs to drool after another girl. This one’s a lost cause.

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    snarkm  about 13 years ago

    Am I the only one who finds it rather disturbing that people talk like this about a (admittedly imaginary) fourteen year old girl?

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  4. 280610023104 david dope optical illusion 9
    willg1970  about 13 years ago

    characters in a story take a life of their own and when you like the story you see someof the characters as people just liek in a favorite movie or soap. So Snarkm lighten uop if you are disturbed stop reading comments

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  5. Grumpy bear by capsicum
    DDrazen  about 13 years ago

    I’m pretty sure the nurse meant to say that this was her desktop, not screen saver.

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  6. Destiny
    Destiny23  about 13 years ago

    PhotoShop can fix that, Johnson!

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  7. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  about 13 years ago

    I do not believe the characters are real people anymore than I believe prehistorical birds carry turtles for airline trips, animals talk, or inanimate objects can think. It does make me smile and relax. Allison Burrows does an excellent job of finding events that the majority of people can identify with their life, thereby making them interesting. When she puts that experience into a humorous context it allows us to laugh and cope with our experiences. Identification has also allowed Mrs. Burrows to gain our attention to social commentary Also, I enjoy conversation with people of a shared interest. Again I do not believe I have lost my sense of reality, but I may more closely monitor my comments.

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