My ideal Mother’s Day: Start with Mother’s Day service at church (with carnations from my daughters); a lovely lunch with my husband & girls, then the rest of the day just relaxing with the family. Nothing more…nothing less.
8 May 1988, the mother’s day fire in the Hinsdale Illinois telephone company central office. Because that office was a major fiber optic hub, it disrupted communications all over northeast Illinois including O’hare and Midway airports, the railroads, data and business traffic, the lottery, and millions of phone calls that never went through. The people of Hinsdale also had no phone and data service for weeks.
Wren Fahel over 8 years ago
My ideal Mother’s Day: Start with Mother’s Day service at church (with carnations from my daughters); a lovely lunch with my husband & girls, then the rest of the day just relaxing with the family. Nothing more…nothing less.
Flash Gordon over 8 years ago
8 May 1988, the mother’s day fire in the Hinsdale Illinois telephone company central office. Because that office was a major fiber optic hub, it disrupted communications all over northeast Illinois including O’hare and Midway airports, the railroads, data and business traffic, the lottery, and millions of phone calls that never went through. The people of Hinsdale also had no phone and data service for weeks.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Wah,big baby Tess.
William Taylor over 8 years ago
Ah, the ultimate………. the disapproving, maternal version of female logic. The world may never recover……….
Paula over 8 years ago
I think it would be a good idea to get this strip in sync with current dates and holidays.