Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 30, 2008
December 29, 2008
December 31, 2008
winslow: they can't declare eminent domain on our home to build a mall!!
it just ain't right! surely the courts will protect us from intrusive government?
carmen: three words: massachusetts supreme court!
winslow: we are so doomed.
May I point out to Scott Stantis that it was the ever so conservative wing of the US Supreme Court that stripped our property rights when it affirmed that the city of New Haven, CT had the right to seize private property for commercial development. Seizing private property isn’t intrusive gobernmant, it’s kleptocracy - theft by the ruling party.
Um… excuse me tincan674? From the Washington Post, June 24, 2005 regarding the 5-4 decision: “O’Connor was joined in her dissent by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.”
The 4 Conservatives dissented; it was the 5 LIBERALS on the court that supported the kleptocracy of the Democrat ruling party in Connecticut.
Thanks for the accurate info, JosephR4570. But there’s one more thing that tincan674 needs to be set straight on: the city was New LONDON, not New Haven, CT. The case was Kelo v. New London. I’ll bet tincan doesn’t even know that 2 of the dissenting justices are no longer on the court, much less which way they all voted.
tincan674 about 16 years ago
May I point out to Scott Stantis that it was the ever so conservative wing of the US Supreme Court that stripped our property rights when it affirmed that the city of New Haven, CT had the right to seize private property for commercial development. Seizing private property isn’t intrusive gobernmant, it’s kleptocracy - theft by the ruling party.
jruckman about 16 years ago
Um… excuse me tincan674? From the Washington Post, June 24, 2005 regarding the 5-4 decision: “O’Connor was joined in her dissent by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.”
The 4 Conservatives dissented; it was the 5 LIBERALS on the court that supported the kleptocracy of the Democrat ruling party in Connecticut.
McGehee about 16 years ago
Everybody knows the ever-so-conservative wing of the Supreme Court is led by Ruth Bader Ginsburg!
junebugmom about 16 years ago
Thanks for the accurate info, JosephR4570. But there’s one more thing that tincan674 needs to be set straight on: the city was New LONDON, not New Haven, CT. The case was Kelo v. New London. I’ll bet tincan doesn’t even know that 2 of the dissenting justices are no longer on the court, much less which way they all voted.