This strip would have some validity if it named leaders who Republicans actually DIDN’T listen to. Please note; Ross Perot isn’t a Republiclan. And we haven’t listened to him in years. Oh, and yes, TeeRump is speaking truth about every negative cliche of his party.
Probably isn’t going to be that easy, particularly as the other leading candidates are afraid tossing Trump into the pit will cost them the votes of the base.
Minor shift in my rankings: Cruz, Walker, Jindal, Fiorina, Carson, Gilmore, Rubio. Easy to be enthusiastic about any of those. The rest are just McCain-redux. My rankings are the order in which leftists fear, or should-fear, the candidates.
Thank you Scott for being one of the few to say the Emperor Trump has no clothes! Trump is at best an arrogant blowhard, and at worst a shill for Hillary Clinton who he has heavily supported in the past. It is embarrassing to me as a conservative see how many conservatives have been fooled into supporting this charlatan.
Republicans are now trying to run away from “The Donald” now that he is hurting their brand. They’re trying to say that Trump doesn’t represent their brand.Hey, you don’t lead the pack if you don’t represent the pack. “The Donald” pisses them off because he is willing to actually say out loud what they just whisper in the shadows. They created a Frankenstein and now it is turning on them. Remember when R-money wanted to have photos ops of being endorsed by Trump? Remember when Trump whipped up the birther crazies and the TEApubliCONs said nothing? They are so pissed off about his attack on McCain’s war heroism, but they were sure silent when John Kerry’s war heroism got slandered by the Swift Boat ads. Conservatives say they like the Donald the Blowhard because he speaks his mind unfiltered and forthright.Hey, my drunk uncle speaks his mind forthrightly with no filters, too, and makes just as much sense as “The Donald.” Maybe my drunk uncle should run for the TEApubliCON nomination
Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago
This strip would have some validity if it named leaders who Republicans actually DIDN’T listen to. Please note; Ross Perot isn’t a Republiclan. And we haven’t listened to him in years. Oh, and yes, TeeRump is speaking truth about every negative cliche of his party.
electricshadow Premium Member over 9 years ago
Now put a rock over the hole to seal it up, or his inflated ego will float him back up and out.
SeanT Premium Member over 9 years ago
Can Cruz be next?
bama1fan92 over 9 years ago
Maybe you should check the polls.
Mark Jackson Premium Member over 9 years ago
Probably isn’t going to be that easy, particularly as the other leading candidates are afraid tossing Trump into the pit will cost them the votes of the base.
jbmlaw01 over 9 years ago
Minor shift in my rankings: Cruz, Walker, Jindal, Fiorina, Carson, Gilmore, Rubio. Easy to be enthusiastic about any of those. The rest are just McCain-redux. My rankings are the order in which leftists fear, or should-fear, the candidates.
kaffekup over 9 years ago
And these are the people who always say "Polls? We don’t believe no steenkin’ polls! Nobody ever polled me!
SeanT Premium Member over 9 years ago
I suspect that the democrats are looking at Trump and Cruz and saying, “Oh please, oh please, oh please!”
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
Alas, it is just not that easy!
tc1000 over 9 years ago
Thank you Scott for being one of the few to say the Emperor Trump has no clothes! Trump is at best an arrogant blowhard, and at worst a shill for Hillary Clinton who he has heavily supported in the past. It is embarrassing to me as a conservative see how many conservatives have been fooled into supporting this charlatan.
Jim Kerner over 9 years ago
I love it. Big time LOL!
Jim Kerner over 9 years ago
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Hair and all.
DD Wiz over 9 years ago
Republicans are now trying to run away from “The Donald” now that he is hurting their brand. They’re trying to say that Trump doesn’t represent their brand.Hey, you don’t lead the pack if you don’t represent the pack. “The Donald” pisses them off because he is willing to actually say out loud what they just whisper in the shadows. They created a Frankenstein and now it is turning on them. Remember when R-money wanted to have photos ops of being endorsed by Trump? Remember when Trump whipped up the birther crazies and the TEApubliCONs said nothing? They are so pissed off about his attack on McCain’s war heroism, but they were sure silent when John Kerry’s war heroism got slandered by the Swift Boat ads. Conservatives say they like the Donald the Blowhard because he speaks his mind unfiltered and forthright.Hey, my drunk uncle speaks his mind forthrightly with no filters, too, and makes just as much sense as “The Donald.” Maybe my drunk uncle should run for the TEApubliCON nomination
manteo16nc over 9 years ago
Just call her Carly(see The Insolent Lemon in Sherpa). Also see the first GOP debate.