Prickly City by Scott Stantis for November 14, 2024

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 4 months ago

    Not to worry, we’ll soon have lots more beachfront property.

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  2. 1djojn
    RobinHood  4 months ago

    Tossed salads and scrambled eggs

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  3. 1djojn
    RobinHood  4 months ago

    Happy Pickle Day, here’s to you Pickle Rick, wherever you are.

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    danielmkimmel  4 months ago

    Who’s going to be the first one invited into Trump’s clown car that he’ll fire and declare a loser?

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  4 months ago

    Carmen is a kid—the next 4 years probably won’t affect her—-but us adults are stuck with the skunk and we are royally shafted

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    dotbup  4 months ago

    Move to Russia where their allegiance lies —

    Just one week has passed since election, and already putin—one of the strongman leaders trump admires most—is messing with his head.

    First, putin waited two days before congratulating trump on his victory…

    Then, in response to trump’s claim that during their phone call, he asked—in some accounts, warned—putin not to escalate the war in Ukraine, a Kremlin spokesman denied that the two had spoken on the phone at all. (putin issued his belated congratulations at a news conference…)

    The final twist of this saga came on Monday when Russia’s intelligence chief, Nikolai Patrushev, made the following comment in an interview with the Moscow newspaper Kommersant:

    “The election campaign is over. To achieve success in the election, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. He will be obliged to fulfill them.”

    maga Mind-blowing bit of psychological warfare. The Russians are basically telling trump: We put you in office. Now it’s time for you to pay us back…

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    dotbup  4 months ago

    Speaking of the lack of maga intelligence —

    Lauren Boebert pressed witnesses Wednesday at a UFO hearing on theories she said she’s heard about non-human civilizations underwater. “The American people are being kept in the dark.” She then questioned the experts on rumors she’d heard about aliens.

    “There are rumors that have come up to the Hill of a secretive project within the Department of Defense involving the manipulation of human genetics with what is described as non-human genetic material for the enhancement of human capabilities, hybrids,” Boebert said. “Are any of you familiar with that? Yes, or no?”

    “The American people are being kept in the dark.” – Like in a crowded theater w/a handsy hussy falling out of her dress?

    maga’s best and brightest y’all, another cabinet contender

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  8. Little pink tongue feb 10 2023
    garnetquinn[Unnamed Reader - d2648f]  4 months ago

    We’ve got a convicted felon for president and a pedophile for secretary of state. What can possibly go wrong!???

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  9. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Get over yourselves, how much longer for the pity party?

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  10. Pine marten3
    martens  4 months ago

    Nov 11, 2024J. Bradford DeLong on Project Syndicate

    Polling data show that Donald Trump’s supporters were deeply misinformed about most of the campaign’s defining issues. Only if this is attributable to bad actors exploiting a broken information ecosystem, rather than an electoral majority that chooses to be misinformed, can there be hope of a healthier politics in America.

    It would mean that the bulk of Trump supporters are good-hearted, well-meaning people who worry that the country is heading in the wrong direction, even if they themselves are doing fine. They voted for Trump more out of love than hate. In that case, the task for Americans who want a healthier politics and a better society is clear. Unfortunately for Democrats, though, it is a task that must carried out by Republicans. In our broken information ecosystem, nothing that Democrats say will be believed by those who need to hear it. Well-meaning, patriotic Republicans need to look at themselves and adopt the project that Viscount Sherbrooke articulated after the 1867 extension of the franchise in Britain: We – or, rather, you – must educate our masters.

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    oldchas  4 months ago

    Off topic but I really want to comment on political cartoons. My wife doesn’t deserve to hear all of my whining and raving. This used to be a place where I could call stupid stupid, right on the spot. I know there are a couple toons that let it happen but sometimes something needs to be said.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  4 months ago

    The Mount Rushmore Statues just sprouted legs and walked into Canada where it’s safe

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    Stat_man99  4 months ago

    It’s OK, they’re used to the illegals invading anyway.

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    ctolson  4 months ago

    DJT’s cabinet picks are interesting to say the least. Take Tulsi Gabbard as head of the National Intelligence department. Now there’s an oxymoron! And of course a misogynic, convicted felon would appoint Matt Gaetz who is under the cloud of suspison for sex trafficing as Attorny General. Would love to see the Ethic Panel’s investigation report.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  4 months ago

    Sunday November 17th is “National take A Hike Day”.

    All MAGA’S are invited to permanently participate

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    Alfred Brown  4 months ago

    Actually the US Government formed a commission to study existential threats and determined that ‘Climate Change" was not one. See here: >

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