Prickly City by Scott Stantis for January 16, 2025

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member about 10 hours ago

    Good Bye President Biden, age got to you but you left a great legacy. His warning today about being aware of an Oligarchy is frighteningly true! You turn over the keys to a deranged psychopath and his greedy puppeteer, both of them want a oligarchy…perhaps musk more then the simpleton

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  2. Download
    Walter Kocker  about 9 hours ago

    A lady in Canada has written to her newspaper the following letter:

    Many Americans oppose bullying Canada

    The thought of becoming a part of the most politically corrupt, socially backward, amoral Western country in the world is too abhorrent to imagine.

    My sane, well-educated online American friends feel ashamed, embarrassed and horrified at the thought of their country bullying Canada into submission.

    Those who fully support that mentally unbalanced buffoon seem to lack an even elementary school level of education.

    For reasons which perhaps only Fox News could explain, they seriously believe our country doesn’t have a military, air force or navy. They also have the delusional idea their country has been completely and totally responsible for protecting us from the big bad Russians for decades.

    Recently, one of these clever geniuses suggested the U.S. should simply nuke all of our major cities, which would then force us become a part of their cesspool of astounding ignorance.

    My genuinely intelligent American friends are angry, heartbroken and terrified for Canada and for themselves.

    They are very much hoping their election in 2028 will turn the majority of states blue and remain that way for decades. All is not lost!"

    O wad some Power the giftie gie usTo see oursels as ithers see us! – Robert Burns

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 8 hours ago

    The magats WANT an oligarchy just like their idol, Putin, has.

    I wonder what Stantis wants.

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  4. Sunimage
    Sun  about 5 hours ago

    46 will depart with nothing accomplished for America or American Workers. His legacy is a great big zero.

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  5. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 5 hours ago


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  6. Note
    Slowly, he turned...  about 4 hours ago

    Instead of the blue bird of happiness, you have the black balloon of despair.

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    oldchas  about 3 hours ago

    I find it mystifying that so many people think their lives will be better because billionaires will be running the country. In four years billionaires will be astronomically wealthier and everyone else will be farther behind.

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    ctolson  about 2 hours ago

    A strong implementation of the H-1B visa program will result in a bunch of good american engineers losing their jobs because the foreign ones will work for less money just ot get into the US with a goal of getting US citizenship. I worked with one and that’s what he told me.

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  9. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 2 hours ago

    Concerning today’s Clay Jones, everyone, we CAN actually put into power people who have a few good ideas and ARE NOT complete pieces of sierra.

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    TwilightFaze  about 1 hour ago

    It didn’t work for Calvin, little buddy. It’d work less for you.

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  11. Sunimage
    Sun  38 minutes ago

    Concerning today’s Steve Kelley: 46 is indeed the worst president in American history.

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  12. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  10 minutes ago

    To all who think Biden was the “worst president ever,” consider that he may be in a class with Jimmy Carter.

    Oh. I forgot. Most of you think he was the worst president ever, too.

    But think again: Sometimes what makes them one term presidents is that they sacrificed their careers for the better of the country.

    One can say Ford sacrificed his career by pardoning Nixon – though others might say, that set the precedent for Trump. Hard to say when both Nixon and Trump are such anomalies when it comes to criminality.

    Carter certainly sacrificed his career when he installed Volcker as fed chief – the pill to kill inflation was too big for America to swallow. But he put in motion the cure for the economy that Reagan got to claim credit for.

    And again, having cleaned up Trump’s mess the first time around, like Obama, Biden hands Trump another great economy for Trump to mess up once again.

    Is it working for everyone? Of course not. That’s how Trump got back in.

    But if your complaint is, the economy is working for billionaires, not “me,” then how is electing a billionaire who is putting billionaires in just about every cabinet post supposed to help you?

    Do you see Elon Musk tightening his belt?

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