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  1. over 8 years ago on [Deleted]

    Wiley: sorry. I’m often wrong. I didn’t recognize the whirligig. still don’t get the middle of the road comment.

  2. over 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    The cartoon has something to do with lighting a fire under a middle of the road cone to produce a little steam and nothing else. Looks like a big idea, but is actually stupid. The flower I don’t quite get. But this is political satire of Trump I suspect.

  3. over 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I’m glad to see that you tune into the comments Wiley. This strip joins my two previous all-time favorites - Dilbert’s cartoon on the 7 advantages of being dumb, and the Doonesbury’s cartoon where one of the characters is asked what would he do if he woke one day and found that he was Donald Trump. (He would have to kill himself.)

    Anyway, for those comment writers who don’t get this cartoon (all of you), I interpret it as being about the credit crisis and the government bailout. The financial institutions (the turtle) don’t really get how they got up on the post, and don’t know how to get off it. The government bailout enables the banks etc. to survive, but the government wants the banks to lend that money out so that the economy can expand again (2 of the 3 wishes?). There’s a good chance that may not happen.

    If I’m wrong on Wiley’s intent, it doesn’t matter. Great art is great because of the variety of meanings that viewers find in it. This cartoon is great art, because it says much more than all the stuff that I have read on the financial crisis.