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MasterDavidGoodmen Free

Five-foot twelve, electronics engineering person, Disabled...

Recent Comments

  1. almost 15 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    It is rather refreshing to finally find someone explaining this topic in a relatively easy-to-understand form! As usual, the MSM failed to report on this!

    But… You missed the Massed Hordes of Andorra, the group who propose gambling as an important feature of the new currency. This might become as important as the other forces listed in your report!

    There is another county in there. One with a population so wealthy that they eat French food. EVERY day!

  2. almost 15 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    In this strip, Nate presents with the symptoms of classic Wing-Nut Personality Disorder. This is the blindness which causes someone’s want du jour to be mistaken as the basis of the functioning of the universe.

    Anything contradicting the self-created party line is just plain wrong. Thus his rejection of his recorded statements as being his. Rather predictably, science and logic are anathema to the WNPD person. WNPD is a sociopathy, resulting in many people being hurt by its carriers.

    Still, when no one is being hurt by it, it is rather funny! Somewhat like a non-benign Mister McGoo!

  3. over 15 years ago on Dan Wasserman

    Michael Milken swindles thirteen hundred million dollars from people. Spends a few months in jail. Leaves with six hundred million dollars. THERE’s an endowment!

    “[Do] more fake research for Gore”. Certainly W. L. Gore, makers of ePTFE “Gore-Tex” products; and Al Gore, long-ago vice-president of the U.S., do not use fake research. As far as I have heard and read, the only people who do use fake research are bigots/haters. They, however, simply create their fake research, rather than conduct it—that would be, y’ know, WORK.

  4. over 15 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Cheney/Bush put him into power, let them get him out! Without any public monies!

    Yeah, but [Karzai] would be toasted before our last plane was off the ground!! Let all of them be toast—good riddance!

    Notice this: The “getaway car” has two flat tires. Maybe it is a prison car, not a getaway car. Hmmmm?