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  1. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    kellej sez: ” WB is equivilant to frat boy hazing. ”

    If that’s so then why did we execute Japanese who WB’ed our guys in WWII?

  2. almost 16 years ago on Bloom County

    Last year my wife had to stay home for a few months to recover from surgery so we got a TV and a cable subscription for the first time (we’re in our 50’s) ‘cause we figured the painkillers would lower her IQ enough to enjoy TV. It worked as long as she was on the percocet, but I never “got” it. Now she’s all better, and back to work, and today we had Comcast come and pick up their box and cancel the service. We’ll keep the TV - it makes a handy big-screen 1920x1080 monitor for our PC’s.

  3. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    “Hey, plnelson, how much did you pay to see this cartoon? How much did you pay to make that comment?”

    Nothing. But that was the choice of the cartoonist and the people who run the website. Artists and musicians have the right to CHOOSE to give the fruits of their labor away, but we don’t have the right to steal it if they didn’t.

  4. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    The US is obligated to be the good guys because we exist based only on a set of abstract principles about the rights and dignity of human beings. When we fail to live up to those principles we strike at the heart of what it means to be America.

    But many other countries, China, say, or France, exist based on historical momentum. France was France when ruled by the Louies, when guillotining people, when conquering Europe, when colonizing Africa, when occupied by the Germans, and in their current democracy. It’s culture, language, traditions, etc that make France France or China, China, not philosophical or political principles.

    Thus, if we don’t live up to our principles we are being unpatriotic and weakening our nation to a greater degree than many other countries.

  5. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    “I am sorry to say it but I am one of those people who want it for nothing, mostly because I can’t afford it otherwise.”

    If I don’t have a job is it OK if I claim your work as mine?

    If I can’t afford a car can I take yours?

  6. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    “You guys throw around “rest of the world” like it means something. Compared with the rest of the industrialized nations, the NYT indeed slants right.”

    I’d like to second this. People who think the US media are left-leaning have probably never lived in or spent much time outside the US. American conservatives seem to rival North Koreans for their provincalism. By the standards of ALL the other major western democracies US political culture is way to the right. The UK Conservative party is to the LEFT of the US Democrats.

  7. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    “Have either of you two READ the New York Times in the last twenty years? I read it daily (I used to live in NYC) If its slant is perceived by you as “to the right”, your sense of direction needs help!”

    I read the NY Times and I think it’s center-right, and very corporatist. But if you DON’T think it’s right-leaning how do you explain why they supported the invasion of Iraq and soft-pedaled opposition to the war?

  8. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    “The country whose foreign policy is about invading- I mean intervening on the behalf of oppressed people in the name of liberty, democracy and the American Way- is: darn. Gave it away already.

    Anyway, you peeps just ran sh*t luck out of money. ”

    Nonsense. Who do you think paid for the invasion of Iraq? Not the US taxpayer. He stopped paying for anything about trillion dollars ago when we entered deficit. The Chinese, the Indians, the Russians, etc are the ones buying all those US Treasuries that fund everything from Iraq to Iowa wind turbine makers.

  9. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    “You can always re-group and start all over, the opportunity will always be there,”

    Maybe for the young and well-capitalized. But the S&P500 will have to go up 74% just to get back to where it was when this mess started. That will likely take decades. So for the retired, or people in their 50’s or 60’s who were just laid off, it’s unlikely they will be able to fully recover.