Sir I live in reality, I am not wealthy, in fact I own a SMALL landscape company employment of one, not the government defined small business, Don’t blame the rich we live in a capitalistic society not a democratic one, I honestly don’t think a true democracy can work in this world, there is not enough THOUGHTFUL CONVERSATIONs happening, it seems everyone is just wanting to get their thoughts across and not haveing tan compassion for the other side. I don’t believe our founding fathers every believed the two words career politician was every to be said together. I am not a tea partier(the old ultra conservative republicans),nor am I a liberal, I am a person who holds himself and his family responsible for their own actions and to adress them accordingly. I am sorry if you don’t agree, but due to the career politicians and the alliances the make threw out there time have caused the great discrepences we have today. Thank you for responding to my comments, I hope to hear from you again, you sound like you pay attention to what is happening, I would just say on shouldn"t make judgement on a person from one paragraph.
About time, need to look at real financial thievery, government pensions and health care, a government official can be removed from office, always being given the ability to retire with full benefits than to be fired and get nothing. They have got these people whom half look like they have been welfare reciepients their entire life, the others don’t look old enough to really understand the gravity of the situation, don’t punish the rich for the money they earned, remember those bankers pay those politicians an awful lotta bank for sitting on their boards. Don’t forget X-congressman Weiner, and his sweet deal for showing his “junk” on twitter.
if you want to stop corporate strong holds than find a way to lawfully keep politicans off the corporate boards or hold any high ranking positions and just work on policies that inhance our people and country. you know the old adage you cant help someone else if you cant help yourself
toasty buy yourself a thesaurus, or r u in a twilight zone episode where you keep repeating yourself throughout every strip, at least change your opening and closing line BORING after the first two