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  1. almost 15 years ago on FoxTrot

    I’m quite surprised that with all that talk about Kcals and CvF none of you twigged to the fact that she’s using the adult male percentage of water in a human body. Jason’s only 10 and clearly has no muscle mass - his percentage of body water should be closer to 62%. Maybe 63%. And Amend IS American. Not all Americans shun the metric system.

  2. almost 15 years ago on Baldo

    I’m a college grad, working on an MA, but I’m not going for a Ph.D. People with MAs make more than people with BAs, but people with PhDs often don’t make anything at all. One of my friends has a Ph.D. and he made about $35,000 a year. Not much. I made more as a secretary without a BA.

    One of my roommates dropped out of high school and started making $85k a year working for the gov’t in computers. However, most people don’t manage to make it that well. For all the people I know who got a good job without a BA, I know 3 who work in the service industry for awful wages. So college is still a good deal.

    Almost no one at 50 is still doing what they did at 25, especially today when all the factories are closing. Having a degree (or not) has nothing to do with that. It’s not a question of the worth of the degree so much as it is a statement about our society and its economics.