
chris.smith618 Free

I am a former Ohioan who has lived in Missouri since 1977. I have been married since 1980 to a wonderful man. We have two daughters and two grandchildren. I retired in 2007 from Federal Service (7 years in the Army and 27 years as a civilian). I have had the joy of living in Ohio, Alabama, Arizona, Okinawa, and Missouri. I love to bake, crochet, read, and raise flowers.

Recent Comments

  1. over 1 year ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    Busy morning! I started out with my blood draw this morning and then Sidney and I went to Waffle House for breakfast and a short drive. I will see the doctor for my six month checkup on Tuesday morning. Not much of anything else going on. I usually meet a friend on Fridays for lunch, however her water heater broke and flooded the basement several weeks ago. Today people are coming today to lay the new flooring.

    Like Mark we stayed at home on the Fourth and watched A Capitol Fourth on TV. It was pretty good this year. Earlier we watched Yankee Doodle Dandy and Anchors Away. I love old movies!

    The weather here has been pretty dry, but we do have a good chance for thunder storms this afternoon. If we don’t see rain here soon it will probably be the end of August before we have rain again. For July our weather has been mild, 66 this morning and it is currently 86.

    May you all have a very blessed day.

  2. over 1 year ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Take care Rita. Prayers that you heal quickly.

  3. over 1 year ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Good afternoon Vagabonds.

    I am still around. I have changed my daily schedule and everything is topsy turvy. I have even had days when I have forgotten to read the comics, but I am slowly getting accustomed to it. I have had to go to making a list of everything I need to do just to fully remember it all. Habits are hard to change!!

    The family was here by 1:30 this afternoon. We grilled hamburger sliders and hot dog with all the trimmings. That allowed all the younger family to go spend time at the fireworks with friends. Sidney and I will be on the couch watching PBS in the air-conditioning.

    Have a wonderful holiday.

  4. over 1 year ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Happy Forth oh July!!

  5. over 1 year ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Wishing you Happy Independence Day. Enjoy!

  6. over 1 year ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Have a Happy Fourth of July. Will be watching A Capital Fourth tonight.

  7. almost 2 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Good afternoon Vagabonds.

    We had a quiet Memorial Day with just the two of us. As it was national bratwurst day, we did brats and potato salad for the picnic feel. The family will not be over until tomorrow and I will be grilling hamburgers then. Mark, I know how you feel. Two weeks ago I put chicken quarters on the grill and ten minutes later I ran out of gas. Like you, I finished them off in the oven. I have been slow this year about getting my outdoor cooking summer ready. The grill is going, but my flattop still needs it’s spring cleaning.

    This year’s National Memorial Day Concert on PBS was very good and emotional. I hope you all took some time Sunday evening to watch. Sorry I am mentioning this after the fact, I was a bit under the weather this weekend.

    Our temperatures have been pleasant, mid to upper 50’s overnight and high 70’s to low 80’s during the day. Currently it is 84.

    May you all enjoy a blessed day.

  8. almost 2 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    :⁠,⁠-⁠). Boys, aged 19 and 20, do not leave leftovers. No matter how much you make. LOL

  9. almost 2 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    I gave myself a busy morning today. Almost everyone will be here for dinner tonight to celebrate my grandson’s 19th birthday. So I am am slow cooking a pork butt for BBQ pork sandwiches (his favorite) with mashed potatoes, white pepper gravy, corn on the cob and lemon cake with vanilla ice cream. He doesn’t hesitate to give a full menu when I ask him what fix for dinner. :⁠-⁠D

    We are enjoying a mild spring, this morning started out around 55 and it is currently 81, the humidity is 38%, and our high is supposed to be 84. Not bad.

    Well my “break” is almost over, I still have to frost a cake and peel potatoes. And go through the junk I left on the table yesterday.

    May you all have a wonderful day.

  10. almost 2 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    After spending two years in Arizona, I fully understand the reluctance to cook outdoors.