
Mushnoggin Free

Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Zack Hill

    Hmmm, the tramp seemed to hear Cagney’s speech. I thought that in this strip, the communication was one way, the animals heard the humans but the humans didn’t hear the dogs.

  2. over 13 years ago on Mutt & Jeff

    I am also curious about the N.C. thing. Even Jeff’s girlfriend is Encee, (NC). Anyone from that era that can explain?

  3. over 13 years ago on Basic Instructions

    Hmmm… The online urban dictionary offered a number of definitions for ‘Clyde’ but I am guessing the one meant here is “A male over the age of 18 who likes to be accompanied by underage girls.”

    Can anyone help this naif (me) out ?!?

  4. almost 14 years ago on Yenny Lopez

    The male Yenny is her half twin brother, but who is the lady standing behind Yenny? She’s the only one I don’t remember from previous strips.

  5. almost 14 years ago on Non Sequitur

    What baslimthebegger said makes me want to ask, What happened to the erkert anyway? Did that storyline come to an end?

  6. almost 14 years ago on Zack Hill

    I don’t get this. Does it mean that people who have ordinary, mundane jobs so that we can enjoy luxuries are pathetic losers?

  7. almost 14 years ago on Yenny Lopez

    Say what you will about the sales lady, I think she looks lovely. Maybe it’s just Dave’s artistic skill, but her obesity doesn’t detract from her beauty.

  8. almost 14 years ago on Mutt & Jeff

    The artwork seems clearer - especially the text. Do you think someone’s tracing over the originals?

  9. almost 14 years ago on Zack Hill

    “Can’t you think about something else?” I feel the same way, I feel this storyline is going on too long, it’s depressing, it’s not what I read the funnies for.

  10. almost 14 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I wonder if it’s the hut they originally found him in?