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  1. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    @Spamgaard: Poor Spamgaard, I would have thought after Obama’s 4 years of ‘hope and change’ you would have gotten tired of that kool-aid. I think if George Washington himself was running as a Republican you’d still be saying “no integrity…lying…blah blah blah”. So are you one of the 47%? Or one of the over 8% (baloney with that last doctored unemployment number)…

  2. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    You are so wrong it’s disturbing…but since you’re getting your news from “Media Matters” that explains a lot. BTW, did you see the recent news that President Obama has not opened a large number of voting information centers for our Military??

  3. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    @rvernon…you totally lost any credibility when you referenced “Media Matters”

  4. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    Do you liberals think we have an unending supply of tax dollars? GET REAL! There’s a point on the curve where no matter how much you raise the tax rate you will not increase tax revenue. Not to mention the government does a lousy job of providing ‘services’. I hope all you libs are prepared to empty your pockets!!

  5. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    You’re being an idiot again by calling Sammysock’s comment ridiculous….sorry, but he nailed it on the head! What scares me is that from your post you seem to be reasonably intelligent and your inability to see how poorly Obama’s done.(and knowing there are many East Coast and Left Coast lib’s just like yourself) makes me really fear for our countries financial future.

  6. over 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    Nope…they weren’t too big to fail..and should have. We rewarded bad capitalists with an escape on our tax dollars. Their failures would have enabled better managers of finances to step in…Prosecution, although I fully agree with, wasn’t going to happen considering it was our own government (more Dems then Republican’s) leaning on investment companies to give loans to people who had no ability to pay.

  7. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    Not disagreeing…but you lose too much your customers and shareholders walk away. Of course, why in God’s green earth we bailed out the swindlers is beyond me.

  8. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    @rvernon: What fantasy world are you living in? “Scaredy-Cat private sector”???…maybe it’s because it’s THEIR money and THEIR risk and they don’t TRUST our liberal tax and spend government to support a decent business environment. It’s easy for the ‘public’ sector to ‘invest’…because it’s not their money. As a taxpayer, I’m tired of paying more money and better retirement benefits to our public servants than I get myself….and it looks like the taxpayers in Wisconsin think the same thing. And I don’t solely blame Obama…he’s had plenty of help from his liberal party and way too much assistance from non-conservative Republicans.

    I think Obama could go to his favorite city Las Vegas and bet all this countrie’s money on 00 (and lose) and you’d still think he walks on water.

    WAKE UP!!!!!

  9. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    @rvernon: You know very well that the public school system and major news media is beyond leaning to the liberal left, so your concern about right leaning private schools is a shallow concern…but I agree ‘your’ tax dollars should not be spent on private schools…but ‘my’ tax dollars should not be spent to brainwash my children.

    Fix the current public education system and lower it’s cost and maybe vouchers wouldn’t be an issue.

  10. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    Public schools suffer from lack of competition. I’m fortunate that where I live we had excellent public school systems…but that was due to a strong community with a strong tax base…and over time both can erode.

    It’s clear in many big cities the ones that can afford it are escaping poorly run and dangerous urban schools to insure their education and future careers.

    And vouchers doesn’t imply a religiously based school…no reason it can’t be a ‘for profit’ school that excels at education.

    And its not a subsidy when we are paying thousands in taxes for the local schools…it’s clearly detailed on my tax statement. I would have liked the choice to take my money and send my children to the school of my choosing.